Monday, July 23, 2007

… ecrire
Writing everything but writing, whether this meant to be truth, this self-referential piece, the architecture, joy, music,… among the multiplicity of writings, writing this simple writing, this initial metaphor, with obvious lack of vocabulary to build what’s here,
Writing without any vocabulary, without any ornament, with no ink no spectrum, with inspiration in pursuit of making, in pursuit of writing…
…thinking of the show, remembering Kundera’s tremendous articulation of that sexless moment, 'sex on the scene', erosion of that stunning one moment with the veneer of horn, palying among the others, seducing themselves more than the others. Can’t imagine this gives any satisfaction, even if you are into palying, not writing,
Anyways, I’m not a player, just a writer, writing every kiss not playing any, writing every word, every moment, every joy, every notion, the overlapping of realms, intermixture of one and every second, this ONE love, this resonance …
just writing…

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

... و از تنهايي
از آن تنهايي که تو هديه مي­دهی
...از آن تنهايي که بود و مي­چرخيد و تو آنرا بارور کردی
وقتي در لحظه لحظه­ام حک شدي و باز آنقدر محجوبي که حرمت تنهايي­ام را نمي­شکنی

... و وقتي پس از هر تنهايي کنار مني
چه ساده ميگذاری در هر لحظه از خود مملو شوم و سپس به آغوش تو بازگردم
و تو که هميشه با آن نگاه خواستنی به لحظه­هاي من نگاه مي­کني
حال آنکه سالهاست اين عبور را تکرار مي کني ... ی
تو زياد حرفهايت را به کلام آغشته نمي­کنی و باز، ب
هر لحظه در من جاري مي­شوي و مرا بيشتر از پيش از ما پر مي­کنی

، ب... و از من که به سکوت تو نيز عشق مي­ورزم
، ردّ نگاهت را دنبال مي­کنم
و وقتی که صحبت مي­کنيم گويي باز هم نيازی به اداي کلمات نيست ، امّا، ب
بدن تشنه­ام را نوازش مي کني... ب
و باز هم از من که هنوز، بس
چونان همان دخترکان کلاسهاي ساز
پله­ي­هاي بلند و پر طنين آهنين کلاس را يک يک مي­شمارم
و هر روز ديوانه­تر از پيش خود را به صلابت وجود تو پرتاب مي­کنم، وقتي که تو مي­آيي... ا

، و از اين تنهايي شيرين که لحظاتمان را معنا مي­کند ...
و از عشق که تنهايي و ما را
... و هنوز زيباترين است

Monday, July 16, 2007

no need to define "The Aleph", this is what defines every little thing of my life, this is what defines me...
it's not just the matter of space, find it in everything even in the absurd spiral!, ...

writing namefull, reading nameless

always writing with some name behind,
imagine how great it would be to read a friend's note and recall and recognize the author,
as it is for art,
aren't you familiar with le corb's arch, don't you feel you know the tricks? do you have to know the name of the author when you start every book?
try this one, try to read nameless, names will appear, read it nameless, or whatever, nothing really matters...
Writing namefull, that's my hobby, writing a piece of love, a piece of architecture, a piece of anything...
writing you, that's what makes it namefull...