…the intermingling of every joy, simultaneous captivation,
… the articulation of every ultimacy, ultimate space and time and everything…,finding the infinite in a tittle,
Speaking about music, some categorize it to groups, some have more general categories, many have so called groups of vulgar, sublime and so! But have this; music, it can be found in everything- full of sound and noise or noiseless- how tough could it be not to hear the music of the rails, or the rhythm of the trains reaching station. I can’t even find a place empty of music, not the word of course, or the sound, but the music.
Sometimes the echo and iteration of so called vulgar songs bring ecstasy…
Amid all these voices… all the stairs, the rails the arches, vaults, fore & backgrounds, looks, seemingly similar days, simple moves, smells, touches, volumes, percussions, in every nook and cranny, among these all… find the aleph…
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
… Entering the car- this mobile private space, part of our nonmetaphoric but literal utopia, - I don know the model, it’s the space we take everywhere…
Trying not to enter and bedevil others’ realms… syncopated rhythm of the city… the conventional intellectuality!
Holding hands tightly, singing song, getting closer, passing the scenes in tandem, paying no attention, omitting the unwanted ones…
Skipping from Farsi to English to French, using the mixture of these languages, adding silence where these can’t define the best…
Turning up the music…
Just thinking how contrary could a ‘spiral’ be; see it from different dimensions, 1,2,3,4…
Driving and walking on the thoroughfare, simply getting closer baby…
کجاست که خيابانها، مغازهها، ماشينها، ساختمانها، پنجرهها، واژهها، ... و آدمکان ترس و خستگي را به شهر تزريق ميکنند...ر
برخورد نفرت انگيز واژهها, يافتن راههاي جديد براي فرار از خود است... ت
بوی بد مردمکان نه فقط در ماه رمضان
بوی گند ترياک از تمام مغازهها
بوی طبقات مختلف و طبقاتي که حتي ديده نميشوند
حتي وقتي بوها را حذف ميکني هنوز هم بوي گندي از تصاوير به مشام ميرسد
سکوت که برايم از زيباترين آواهاست, گاه در اين شهر صداي گوشخراشي به خود ميگيرد
صداي خنده که هميشه در خانهمان جاريست, اينجا چه ريتم منزجر کنندهاي دارد و گاه, اشکم را در ميآورد
اينجا مردم بهانههايي براي دليل ازدواجشان تهيه ميکنند و ديگر شاد نيستند
ترس در همه جا جاريست و مردم با آن لاس ميزنند
اااعوجاج صداها به هيچ صدايي معنا نميدهد
گويي در اين شلوغي هيچ صدايي به گوش نميرسد
هي رفيق اينجا ايران است...ت
... تو باز ميآيي و پنجرة رو به شهر بسته ميشود
به روستاي خود باز ميگرديم, و والس عظيممان...ن
Monday, July 23, 2007
… ecrire
Writing everything but writing, whether this meant to be truth, this self-referential piece, the architecture, joy, music,… among the multiplicity of writings, writing this simple writing, this initial metaphor, with obvious lack of vocabulary to build what’s here,
Writing without any vocabulary, without any ornament, with no ink no spectrum, with inspiration in pursuit of making, in pursuit of writing…
…thinking of the show, remembering Kundera’s tremendous articulation of that sexless moment, 'sex on the scene', erosion of that stunning one moment with the veneer of horn, palying among the others, seducing themselves more than the others. Can’t imagine this gives any satisfaction, even if you are into palying, not writing,
Anyways, I’m not a player, just a writer, writing every kiss not playing any, writing every word, every moment, every joy, every notion, the overlapping of realms, intermixture of one and every second, this ONE love, this resonance …
just writing…
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
از آن تنهايي که تو هديه ميدهی
...از آن تنهايي که بود و ميچرخيد و تو آنرا بارور کردی
وقتي در لحظه لحظهام حک شدي و باز آنقدر محجوبي که حرمت تنهاييام را نميشکنی
... و وقتي پس از هر تنهايي کنار مني
چه ساده ميگذاری در هر لحظه از خود مملو شوم و سپس به آغوش تو بازگردم
و تو که هميشه با آن نگاه خواستنی به لحظههاي من نگاه ميکني
حال آنکه سالهاست اين عبور را تکرار مي کني ... ی
تو زياد حرفهايت را به کلام آغشته نميکنی و باز، ب
هر لحظه در من جاري ميشوي و مرا بيشتر از پيش از ما پر ميکنی
، ب... و از من که به سکوت تو نيز عشق ميورزم
و وقتی که صحبت ميکنيم گويي باز هم نيازی به اداي کلمات نيست ، امّا، ب
و باز هم از من که هنوز، بس
چونان همان دخترکان کلاسهاي ساز
پلهيهاي بلند و پر طنين آهنين کلاس را يک يک ميشمارم
و هر روز ديوانهتر از پيش خود را به صلابت وجود تو پرتاب ميکنم، وقتي که تو ميآيي... ا
، و از اين تنهايي شيرين که لحظاتمان را معنا ميکند ...
و از عشق که تنهايي و ما را
... و هنوز زيباترين است
Monday, July 16, 2007
writing namefull, reading nameless
always writing with some name behind,
imagine how great it would be to read a friend's note and recall and recognize the author,
as it is for art,
aren't you familiar with le corb's arch, don't you feel you know the tricks? do you have to know the name of the author when you start every book?
try this one, try to read nameless, names will appear, read it nameless, or whatever, nothing really matters...
Writing namefull, that's my hobby, writing a piece of love, a piece of architecture, a piece of anything...
writing you, that's what makes it namefull...